Plastic Surgery Health Corner

After Rhinoplasty

After Rhinoplasty

After Rhinoplasty

After Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery operation performed by changing the nose shape, bone and cartilage structures in this structure.

Nasal aesthetics, also called nasoplasty and rhinoplasty, are the most frequently preferred aesthetic operations. Nasal aesthetics is performed for the treatment of congenital nasal deformities, which occur later or occur due to trauma. While deformity can be corrected in some cases only because it causes visual discomfort, you can also consider it to be corrected because it causes problems such as respiratory disorders in most people.

Nasal aesthetic rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery operation that is applied when the structure, shape and size of the nose is not satisfied or when it is accompanied by reasons such as injury and respiratory distress.

With the developments in medicine, the success rate in rhinoplasty operations is high. Thus, you should know that it is possible to have a nose that is both healthy and aesthetically successful. Of course, choosing a doctor is of great importance for a successful aesthetic surgery operation. The experience and recommendations of the doctor are important in order to obtain a natural-looking nose suitable for the person’s facial structure.


rhinoplassty-aestheticRecovery process after rhinoplasty

It is an important detail that the nose is not blown and not infected during the recovery process after rhinoplasty. In operations performed in the morning, you are usually discharged in the afternoon, but if desired, you can stay under observation overnight. A few hours after the procedure, you can walk around the hospital and return to liquid nutrition.

Although swelling and bruises are quite normal in the first days after the operation, regular ice compresses should be applied to the forehead and cheeks to prevent worsening. While the healing process takes approximately one week to 10 days, the plaster removal is also completed at the end of this period. About 10 days after the operation, the bruises under the eyes or the bruises around the nose that may develop due to the operation have passed and the healing process has been completed, so the person can continue his normal life.


Things to consider after rhinoplasty

In order not to encounter any problems after the rhinoplasty operation, the nose should be careful against blows and the risk of infection. Especially in the few weeks after the surgery, the person should pay attention to his eating habits and lifestyle, and apply the doctor’s recommendations and what needs attention. Things to consider after open or closed rhinoplasty;rhinoplassty-aesthetic

Since the plaster on the nose and if any, the sutures and tampons should remain for about a week, care should be taken not to get wet and damp during this process.
In other words, it would be correct not to take a shower for the first week, and not to be in places such as extremely hot environments, steam rooms, saunas, Turkish baths.

Although swelling and bruising in the first days is quite normal, in order for this situation to pass quickly, one should lie down with the head high and apply cold compresses to the forehead and cheeks for 10 minutes at the beginning of every hour.

During the first two weeks, you should not lie face down and the nose should be protected from all kinds of blows and pressures, and risky sports activities should be avoided.

Sprays and creams recommended by the doctor should be done carefully, not trying to blow the nose for cleaning the nose.

Generally, natural cleaners such as ocean water and physiological saline should be applied for this process.

In the first days after the surgery, it is right to avoid situations that will put pressure on the nose, such as difficult chewing movements and making excessive facial expressions, by paying attention to feeding with soft foods.

It is recommended not to be exposed to intense sunlight and not to wear glasses for the first few months after the operation. Because it can cause deterioration in the color, structure and shape of the nose. After the operation, you should wait months for the nose to take its final shape.


Nutrition program after rhinoplasty

After a rhinoplasty operation, you can start feeding a few hours after your doctor’s recommendations. First of all, it is fed only as liquid such as water and soup, then it consists of soft foods in nutrition recommendations. Especially during the first week of recovery, hard foods such as toast, tarts and bagels should not be consumed. Because the mouth and nose are close to each other, excessive movement and strain in the mouth affects the nose and causes tension.

If you are not satisfied with the aesthetic appearance of your nose, you can get information from your doctor about the rhinoplasty operation and the post-rhinoplasty process.

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