Face Lift
Facelift (rhytidectomy) is a method used to remove wrinkles and sagging on the face by stretching and hanging.
In recent years, all the processes related to aging in the face have started to be referred to under the name of facial rejuvenation. As the human ages, the skin of the face wrinkles, various spots and irregularities occur on the sagging with the effect of years, daily stresses, sun rays and other factors (malnutrition, smoking, drinking).
One percent; If eyebrows are dropped, eyelids are sagging, forehead lines are evident, deep lines are formed in the mouth-nose area, bagging and lines are formed in the custody, the chin contour is lost, the cheek is sagging, the skin curtains are formed and the neck is oily, it has a face-old appearance.
The skin has lost its vitality, sunspots and other moles have appeared, wrinkled and thinner. Facelift surgery, which is one of the Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery operations, eliminates irregularities and sagging skin of the forehead, face, and neck. Excess fat tissue on the cheek and neck is removed. Facial fascia and adipose tissues are pulled and fixed in their anatomical places. Necessary facial tissues are reinforced and other complementary interventions can be made.

What is the age restriction of facelift surgeries?
Often this operation is performed on men or women over the age of 40. For structural or genetic reasons, this type of surgery can be performed at an earlier age in full or limited.
The technique of facelift surgeries
If facelift surgery is performed under the chin area, a trace of approximately 3-5 mm remains under the chin, and if eyelid and forehead stretching is added, additional scars remain on the eyelids and forehead.
However, postoperative scars are mostly unclear and hidden. Additional procedures (nose, eyelid, etc.) can be done in the same session. Operation time can vary between 4-6 hours on average.
Healing Process in Face Lift Surgery
Facial nerves may be affected by anesthesia during surgery. There may be slight asymmetries on the face due to this effect. These will pass by themselves within 3-5 days.
The head bandage is applied with the nose, eyes and mouth open. In order to prevent the accumulation of blood in the tissue, silicone pipes called resistance can be placed.
Resists are drawn within 2 days at the latest. The dressing is fully opened after 2-3 days. General inspection and dressing changes are made. Hair can be washed during this period. If the stitches are not of the melting type, they are removed after 5-7 days. Rarely, second corrections may be required.
From the 2nd day after the operation, the patient stands up and can do his work at home. After the swelling disappears after about a week, the patient can return to work and makeup.
The patient should avoid heavy exercise and excessive sunlight for 2 months. It is also recommended to protect the patient from external impacts. The shape is given to the face and neck skin by surgery sometimes lasts for 5-10 years and sometimes for life depending on the person's structure or environmental conditions.
After the third week, the new shape given to the face becomes more clear. It takes its final form after the operation approximately 6 months-1 year
Our Patients' Comments
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